Build Gatsby Page Slugs Dynamically from Markdown with gatsby-node.js

InstructorTaylor Bell

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Gatsby includes several Node APIs for building sites. In this lesson, we’ll use the createPages API to dynamically build a page for each of our posts, by using the URL path in the frontmatter of each Markdown doc found via a GraphQL query.

Royston Shufflebotham
~ 6 years ago

I don't think the second resolve() call added at 03:35, to line 33, makes sense. The promise was already resolve()d on line 9, and the code around line 33 is already running in a .then() block chained from that promise.

~ 6 years ago

You don't have to create new Promise, because the graphql function itself returns a Promise. You could just write like:

return graphql(`....`).then(result => {...});
Tony Catalfo
~ 6 years ago

const path = require('path') Why are we using require?

Tony Catalfo
~ 6 years ago

Why is blogPostTemplate a component? When I hover over it I get const blogPostTemplate: string?

Edmundo Ruiz
~ 6 years ago

There are a number of errors in the code snippets in the transcript:

  1. The graphql node string is not closed

exports.createPages = (({graphql, actions}) => {
  const { createPages } = actions

  return new Promise((resolve, reject)) => {
    const blogPostTamplate = path.resolve('src/templates/blogPost.js') 
Instead of ```
const path = require('path')

exports.createPages = (({graphql, actions}) => {
  const { createPage } = actions

  return new Promise((resolve, reject)) => {
    const blogPostTemplate = path.resolve('src/templates/blogPost.js') 
Zone Chen
~ 6 years ago

const path = require('path') Why are we using require?

Because this gatsby-node.js will be executed by nodeJs runtime.

Zone Chen
~ 6 years ago

I found another question: Why we require src/templates/blogPosts.js in gatsby-node.js.

Since these two js file use different module system.

  • src/templates/blogPosts.js: es module, and (should be) compiled into build.js something like that.
  • gatsby-node.js will be executed during the runtime.

Just don't get it, how can they work together ?

Cristian Gabbanini
~ 6 years ago

I had a few problems with the code on this page (gatsby was throwing a 404 error for my blog posts and I wasn't able to know why..). Anyway... reading the following page from the gatsby docs really helped me:

Jon Saints
~ 6 years ago

I don't think the second resolve() call added at 03:35, to line 33, makes sense. The promise was already resolve()d on line 9, and the code around line 33 is already running in a .then() block chained from that promise.

This is correct. You just need to return after mapping over the edges. do not try to resolve inside of the map function that will not work.

~ 5 years ago

Just to flag this again - the code shown in both the transcript and the screencast doesn't work & needs to be fixed.

As others have noted, there's no need to instantiate a new promise at all. The graphql call returns a promise, so we can just return that directly.

const path = require('path')

exports.createPages = ({ graphql, actions }) => {
  const { createPage } = actions
  const blogPostTemplate = path.resolve('src/templates/post.js')
  return graphql(
      query {
        allMarkdownRemark {
          edges {
            node {
              frontmatter {
  ).then(result => {{ node }) => {
      const { path } = node.frontmatter
      return createPage({
        component: blogPostTemplate,
        context: {
          pathSlug: path,
Marcell Ciszek
~ 5 years ago

Is it possible to fetch *.tsx files in gatsby-node.js ? :)

Lauro Silva
~ 5 years ago

Hey Marcell - make sure you the lasted Gatsby version. Gatsby natively supports JavaScript and TypeScript, you can change files from .js to .tsx at any point to start adding types and gaining the benefits of a type system. If you need more information, check out this document outline Typescript support.