Install the Latest Version of Gatsby

InstructorTaylor Bell

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In this lesson, you’ll learn how to install the latest version of Gatsby and the barebones “Hello World” starter.

You will use the global Gatsby CLI tool to initialize a project with the starter template that the Gatsby team makes available to us.

Dealing with deprecation, please refer to notes.

~ 6 years ago

Installing the tool with npm; installing its deps with yarn... 🤔

Taylor Bellinstructor
~ 6 years ago

You can run either of these just fine: yarn global add ... or npm install -g ...

There's not really an exact reason. For global installations I like npm's install -g command more for some reason. It feels shorter to type or something, even though there's only a one character difference.

Similarly when installing dependencies, I like yarn add because it feels faster.

The end result is the same, so choose your own adventure :)

~ 6 years ago

The v2 branch is no longer present on the gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-hello-world starter project so the command is

gatsby new my-blog