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    Intro to Confidently Testing Redux Applications with Jest & TypeScript
    2m 7s

Intro to Confidently Testing Redux Applications with Jest & TypeScript

InstructorJamund Ferguson

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Best practices for building & testing redux applications have changed dramatically over time. This course aims to be a comprehensive yet understandable resource for those seeking to improve the testing of their redux applications.

This course is broken up into three parts.

The intro is look at how to add jest to an existing react redux application that was built on top of vite. We cover basic functionality like watch mode and generating and using code coverage to inform our testing strategy.

The first section covers the specifics of unit testing the redux code in our application. We'll go over how to test reducers, selectors and thunks. As part of this we'll touch on mocking APIs and using Redux Mock Store as well as running actions through our applications' actual reducers to broaden our test coverage.

Finally we'll look at how we can test our redux connected react components using the various utilities that come with the React Testing Library. We'll cover simulating various kinds of user input with the user-event module, populating our redux store with test data, using jest spy, how to wait for asynchronous tasks to complete, and several approaches for finding & asserting that visual elements exist on the page.

This course is built on top of content that was created for the Modern Redux with RTK and TypeScript course and I highly recommend you start there if you haven't completed it already.

I'm confident you will level up your redux testing abilities if watch these lessons and practice coding each of them as you go.