1. 29
    Testing Accessible Form Elements with React Testing Library's getByTitle Query
    1m 53s

Testing Accessible Form Elements with React Testing Library's getByTitle Query

InstructorJamund Ferguson

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There are a number of ways we can query form elements. In the past we've used getByRole with a name filter. We've also used getByLabelText to query <labels> and aria-label property. In this lesson we use getByTitle. The title attribute is often used on buttons that have just an icon or an X to give a little bit more context to its purpose. When you hover an item with a title attribute you often see a little tooltip with the full text displayed. It can be a nice improvement to accessibility.

We use the title attribute here while testing the remove from cart button which just shows an X for the button contents. We give each title a unique name associated with what it's going to delete, so we can easily search for the exact button we want to use.


This lesson continues to rely on the user event library for simulating clicks.

For a fantastic explanation of various approaches to calculating accessible names for form elements based on labels and titles check out this article: https://webaim.org/articles/label-name/#computation

~ 3 years ago

Did I miss something? In lecture 28 the remove button clearly has an aria and no title attribute!?! That made the end of this lecture very confusing :(

Jamund Fergusoninstructor
~ 3 years ago

Steve, excellent catch!

I verified that both in the sample code and in the previous lesson I used aria-label on the remove button, but then in this lesson it magically switches to title without so much as an explanation. I will add a note in the description for now and talk with the egghead team about possibly updating the video. Apologies for the mistake. Hope the rest of the course is helpful!

michauxkelley@gmail.com Kelley
~ 2 years ago

Also around 1:36 the code should be:

const removeBunnies = screen.getByLabelText(/remove bunnies/i);

await userEvent.click(removeBunnies); screen.getByText('$11.00', { selector: '.total' });