Running Quality Checks in your Monorepo

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All of our applications and libraries have test and typecheck commands already written inside of them. We are able to run both the test and typecheck commands all at the same time as well.

This has a downside. They don’t run at the same time, it’s just one after the other. To make them run at the same time, we will implement concurrently again.

Ben Brown
~ 3 years ago

Your missing information in video 9 around vitest, the tests just kind of appear from nowhere

Alejandro Ñáñezinstructor
~ 3 years ago

@Ben, hey! I didn’t dig deep into how to setup tests in Vite, or in any of the other applications/libs as this course was not meant to be about testing and that’s a whole topic itself! But setting up Vitest shouldn’t be hard,

Here’s how I did it for the first iteration of this course

and here’s their official docs:

I can share the code from the course in a couple of weeks when I’m back from vacations. 👍

Ben Brown
~ 3 years ago

Perfect thank you!

Pedro Serapio
~ 2 years ago

Could be interesting to explain where all vitest stuff is coming from. Probably remake the video.