Migrate React Component State to the useState Hook

InstructorJamund Ferguson

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In this lesson we convert our AmountField class component to a function component and then convert its state from this.state/this.setState to the useState hook.

As in our earlier lesson we apply the following technique for migrating a class component to a function component:

  1. Change the class keyword to function and remove the extends React.Component part
  2. Place the contents of the render() method in the function body
  3. Convert all other methods on the class to stand-alone functions
  4. Remove the constructor function
  5. Inline any props into the function declaration using object destructuring
  6. Get rid of any use of this. to reference methods or variables

The useState hook itself has an interesting API where it returns an array with two important properties: a value and a setter.

const [value, setValue] = useState(defaultValue);

Any time setValue is called our component gets re-rendered.

Unlike the setState API our value setter only takes a single argument, the new value.

Our example here only showed a single state value, but you can call useState as many times as you need a component.