1. 22
    Redux: Extracting Container Components (FilterLink)
    8m 4s

Redux: Extracting Container Components (FilterLink)

InstructorDan Abramov

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Learn how to avoid the boilerplate of passing the props down the intermediate components by introducing more container components.

Anda Pop
~ 9 years ago

If the parent component does not update when the store updates, then FilterLink will re-render with a stale value

It's probably a mistake on my part to wrap my head around this without hands on experience, but I do have a question: When would not updating the parent component, be of consequence to the FilterLink (a child component)? Can you please give me an example?

Lars Jägare
~ 9 years ago

Up to this point the tutorial is excellent, but I have a problem with this lesson. The FilterLink component in this lesson is not following the rules in React. This error is removed in later chapters and is not the way things are done in Redux, so it is just confusing. And it is not needed in order to get an understanding of how things are done in Redux either.

Let me explain the problem:

The contract of a a react component is that the result returned from render should only depend on this.state and this.props and nothing else. See the component spec

In this lesson we have for FilterLink

render() { const state = store.getState() and then state.visibilityFilter() is used when setting up the returned Link element. That is, render() depends on something else than this.state or this.props which is simply illegal in React.

The proper way to do this is to use this.state instead. This is done by reading the value from store.getState() in the subscribe listener and call this.setState() of the component.

componentDidMount() { this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => this.setState({visibilityFilter: store.getState().visibilityFilter}); ... render() { const state = this.state; // NB No access of store here! When done this way the forceUpdate call is not needed, since re-rendering will be triggered properly through setState.

Here is a JSBIN with this modification

Lars Jägare
~ 9 years ago

Here is an [example] (http://jsbin.com/kuboqi/edit?html,js,output) where the parent component gets re-rendered but the children don't. In essence this depends on the optimizations in the implementation of React rendering. It assumes the components follow the contract: if props and state are unchanged render should return the same thing, so calls to render can be optimized away. Exactly how this is done is an implementation detail and not specified. But it's not a problem: as long as your components follow the contract they will be re-rendered properly. (Then, if you don't break things, you don't need to worry how to fix it again)

[Here] (https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/4067) is a discussion where Sebastian Markbåge make some good clarifications on this topic.

Dan Abramovinstructor
~ 9 years ago

This tutorial is just an approximation of how connect() from React Redux works. Please watch series to the end, which is where we start using it and remove the “wrong” code. Technically connect() uses setState() but this is irrelevant implementation detail to this tutorial which is why I went with forceUpdate(). It really doesn't matter because this code is temporary and is later changes to use connect() instead.

Sequoia McDowell
~ 9 years ago

I'm confused about the use of props.filter here. It seems like filter should be an explicitly defined argument to the FilterLink "constructor", instead it's not explicitly defined as a required property but it is implicitly relied upon. How are users of FilterLink to know which props they should set on it, which it supports and which are required?

Sequoia McDowell
~ 9 years ago

I'd love to see this intermediate impl (using react state) between the quick-and-dirty impl here and the final black-box connect impl. Lars's comment mostly covers it I guess :)

Dan Abramovinstructor
~ 9 years ago

How are users of FilterLink to know which props they should set on it, which it supports and which are required?

Usually people define propTypes on the component. They serve as a kind of documentation. You can define propTypes on the component returned by connect() too.

Dan Abramovinstructor
~ 9 years ago

I'd love to see this intermediate impl (using react state) between the quick-and-dirty impl here and the final black-box connect impl. Lars's comment mostly covers it I guess :)

I tried it at first but it made things super confusing because the word “state” now refers to completely different things: React state (an implementation detail) and Redux state (the thing we’re trying to teach). It’s so easy to confuse one for the other so I decided not to mention React state at all, especially considering that this hack is going away in the next lessons.

Bogdan Bivolaru
~ 8 years ago

In my Moz FF49 browser FilterLink is re-rendered anyway along just as the rest of the application, componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount do not get called at all. So I'm not sure I understand your point - why use componentDidMount at all?

Is this just a place to explain updates between Redux store and React?

Kushal Mahajan
~ 8 years ago

I didn't see any difference of using the below code. For me it worked same with or without.

    this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {

dan entous
~ 8 years ago

as far as i understand it ...

in this lesson, dan reminds us that the entire app is subscribed to the store with the line store.subscribe( render ). because any change in the app will update all components the FilterLink code change doesn’t create any noticeable change - thus you can comment out the componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount without any change in how the application works.

but this lesson only begins the process of extracting the components, so if you comment out the subscription, store.subscribe( render ), it will break the app - partially. the FilterLink will continue to work, but adding todos will not.

in the next lesson, dan finishes the component extraction and is then able to remove the store.subscribe( render ). each container component subscribes itself, individually, to the store so the app, as a whole, no longer needs to subscribe to the store. if you comment out the componentDidMount lines at that point, then you’ll see the “stale” state that he mentions in this video.