1. 4
    Redux: The Reducer Function
    1m 54s

Redux: The Reducer Function

InstructorDan Abramov

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There is something in common between all Redux applications. They have to implement the reducer: a function that calculates the next state tree based on the previous state tree and the action being dispatched.

We are presenting a “complete” example in the code window below. Feel free to click around and explore! We will be explaining what everything does during this course.

~ 9 years ago

Supposing to have a complex state like Clients and Invoices. Every list page is paginated, so i don't store all the state of Clients and Invoices, but only what is shown in current page. I also need to store the current invoice or client when is edited. Because a user can edit a client that is not shown in the index page (simply entering the id in url). Accordingly with this, is correct this state? Or there is a better way to store something like that?

Invoices { list: [ { _uid: 1, date: '2016-02-10' }, { _uid: 2, date: '2016-02-09' } ], pagination: { currentPage: 1, items: 10, count: 100 }, current: { _uid: 1, date: '2016-02-10' } }, Clients { list: [ { _uid: 98, name: 'John' }, { _uid: 99, name: 'Sam' } ], pagination: { currentPage: 10, items: 10, count: 100 }, current: { _uid: 1, name: 'John' } }

~ 9 years ago

Looks like jsbin is not properly running the examples.

~ 8 years ago

I've found all Dan's videos in this series really clear, comprehensive, and extremely helpful in learning Redux. I particularly love this one though because, to me, it sounds like the narration from a movie trailer or opening theme to a TV show - the way he spends the whole video describing a reducer function only to tell you that it's called a reducer function at the very end. It feels like The Reducer should be a movie starring Denzel Washington or Liam Neeson in the vein of The Equalizer. (To be read like the Six Million Dollar Man intro) "Application state - data in memory - a collection barely manageable. Gentlemen, we can refactor it. We have the technology. State will be better, stronger, faster!"

~ 7 years ago

In this course you said that the reducer should not modify the previous state and I don't fully understand why. Could you explained it a bit further please ?

Many thanks !

Enoh Barbu
~ 7 years ago

A reducer is a function that will receive all the the further actions and it will reduce the state (generate a piece of state) based of its definition: action type and the action payload (new data). So that is why it is called reducer...

Dmitriy Beglov
~ 7 years ago


When I tried to open the Plunker in a separate browser tab (from the "Code" tab) the Plunker said that the demo was not found (http://take.ms/QqxW3).

Could you please help me.

Zone Chen
~ 6 years ago

In this course you said that the reducer should not modify the previous state and I don't fully understand why.

I guess because it pure function won't change any thing( including previous state ), make the action predictable and also the change along the way can be traced.

shiva kumar
~ 6 years ago

Hello Dan, what editor are you using in the videos? please advise