Create and Utilize a User Model with Prisma in Remix

InstructorIan Jones

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In lesson 08, Deploy a Remix Application, we said that the app was MVP status. This isn’t quite true for many applications. You will inevitably need users on your site to make it useful for your customers (or even for yourself).

To get started adding users, you will update Prisma with a user model and associate it to Posts. From there you’ll update your posts to display user information. You’ll see how to migrate a Prisma schema in PlanetScale as you deploy these changes.

One nice tid bit you will pick up along the way is a TypeScript 4.5 feature, Awaited. Awaited will unwrap a promise type for you so that you don’t have to do it yourself which is a big relief.

ed leach
~ 3 years ago

I think you need to restart npx prisma studio after adding the User model.

~ 2 years ago

Ian, as I've continued on from previous lessons my connection to pscale main was still open on 3309 and so it randomly picked another port to open a connection.

Would you recommend closing the other connection and only having one open at a time? What is the thinking here?