Deploy a Remix Application with Production Database to the Internet Through Vercel

InstructorIan Jones

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Our application has achieved MVP status — Minimum Viable Product that is. This means it’s time to deploy.

For this application, you will use Vercel to deploy to as it’s just a few clicks away. Vercel integrates with GitHub so once you give it access you can connect your GitHub Project. Similarly, Vercel has a PlanetScale integration that will pull in all the necessary environment variables you will need to connect your production database to your deployed application. After setting your env variables you’ll have deployed a full fledged, working application with a production database.

From there, we will test out a feature to deployment workflow for you to get a feel for how deployments on Vercel work.

~ 3 years ago

That was nice and simple. I would like to know what is the difference between deploying Remix to Fly and Vercel?

~ 2 years ago

The coverage of the development flow at the end was super helpful to understand the process - have never seen this covered before. Thank you!