Deploy your Smart Contract to Goerli Test Network and App to Vercel

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There are several Ethereum test networks like Ropsten, Rinkeby and Kovan that you can use to deploy your contract to have it publicly available without having to use the mainnet and real ETH. In this course you'll deploy to Rinkeby netwok (but, the process is the same for the other networks).

The first step will be update your Metamask Wallet to connect to the Rinkeby network.

Next, you'll need some test/fake Ethere to use for testing the Dapp in the network, for that you'll need to use a faucet like this one. Just visit that faucet and add your wallet address.

You will also deploy your web application to vercel to see your project live on the internet!

~ 2 years ago

hardhat --config hardhat.config.cjs "run" "scripts/deploy.js" "goerli"

Error HH308: Unrecognized positional argument goerli

For more info go to or run Hardhat with --show-stack-traces

help me pls.

~ 2 years ago

ok i solved the problem