Create a Form in Svelte and Send a Tip to an Solidity Smart Contract

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It is time to interact with the contract, let's send some eth!

For this you'll need a form that is rendered only when the wallet is connected. This form use the sendTip function and gather some required information. On submit, it will read the sendingTip loading state variable and disable or enable the button.


SvelteKit is still in beta. Expect bugs! Read more here, and track progress towards 1.0 here.

This lesson was recorded before the latest breaking changes, the content is still valid but it sometimes references a file that does not exists anymore.

Now: src/routes/index.svelte is called src/routes/+page.svelte

src/routes/__layout.svelte is called src/routes/+layout.svelte

Everything else is 100% valid. This particular content will be updated when Sveltekit reaches 1.0.0 stable.