Withdraw eth from a Smart Contract in a Svelte Application

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Now that we have an application that is accepting tips to the smart contract that was defined, we need to be able to withdraw the funds that are sent to the contract. The smart contract function for this is already defined so we will just need to call the function from the front end.

To do this we will create a new route to display the contract information. We will then check if the current user is the contract owner and if so allow that user to withdraw the contract funds by clicking a button that we wire up to call the withdraw function from the smart contract.


SvelteKit is still in beta. Expect bugs! Read more here, and track progress towards 1.0 here.

This lesson was recorded before the latest breaking changes, the content is still valid but it sometimes references a file that does not exists anymore.

Now: src/routes/index.svelte is called src/routes/+page.svelte

src/routes/__layout.svelte is called src/routes/+layout.svelte

Everything else is 100% valid. This particular content will be updated when Sveltekit reaches 1.0.0 stable.