Create a Supabase Project with a Table and Example Data

InstructorJon Meyers

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Supabase handles hosting a database, authentication, authorization, file storage, realtime, edge functions, database functions, triggers and webhooks - lots of ways to build apps and automate backend stuff.

In this lesson, we head over to to create a new Supabase project. Additionally, we use the dashboard to easily create a new table for our messages. We talk through some different data types and constraints that can be applied to columns. Lastly, we populate our new table with some example messages.

Code Snippets

SQL code snippets can be run against your Supabase database by heading over to your project's SQL Editor, pasting them into a new query, and clicking RUN.

Create a messages table

create table if not exists messages (
  id uuid default uuid_generate_v4() primary key,
  created_at timestamp with time zone default timezone('utc'::text, now()) not null,
  content text not null

Insert messages

insert into messages(content)
  ('first message'),
  ('second message');


ed leach
~ 2 years ago

Looks very good. Thanks!