Subscribe to Database Changes with Supabase Realtime

InstructorJon Meyers

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Supabase Realtime allow us to subscribe to change events in the database - insert, update and delete - and update the UI dynamically. In this lesson, we enable replication on the messages table to tell Supabase we want to know about changes to this table.

Additionally, we use the Supabase client to set up a subscription for insert events on the messages table. This will receive websocket updates from Supabase, which we can handle in a callback function, and merge our server state with realtime updates, to allow our application to dynamically update as new messages are sent.

Code Snippets

Subscribe to realtime updates

useEffect(() => {
  const channel = supabase
      { event: "INSERT", schema: "public", table: "messages" },
      (payload) => {
        const newMessage = as Message;

        if (!messages.find((message) => === {
          setMessages([...messages, newMessage]);

  return () => {
}, [supabase, messages, setMessages]);

Enable realtime events on messages table

alter table public.messages
replica identity full;

SQL code snippets can be run against your Supabase database by heading over to your project's SQL Editor, pasting them into a new query, and clicking RUN.
