Restrict Access to the Messages Table in a Database with Row Level Security (RLS) Policies

InstructorJon Meyers

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Row Level Security denies all access to the database. Select, insert, update and delete queries will be blocked by default. This allows us to write access policies in the database itself, to allow only what our application needs to function.

In this lesson, we look at adding a user_id column to the messages table, which has a foreign key relationship to the auth.users table - what Supabase uses to manage authentication and sessions.

Additionally, we step through a common migration pattern to use when existing data conflicts with the constraints of a new change in structure - we want each message to belong to a user, but the existing data had no column for user_id. This requires a three-step process where we add the column without the not null constraint, update the existing data to belong to a user, and then add the not null constraint to the user_id column.

Lastly, we update our RLS policy to only allow read access to signed in users.

Code Snippets

SQL code snippets can be run against your Supabase database by heading over to your project's SQL Editor, pasting them into a new query, and clicking RUN.

Add column with not null constraint

alter table public.messages
add user_id uuid references auth.users not null;

Add column without not null constraint

alter table public.messages
add user_id uuid references auth.users;

Add not null constraint to column

alter table public.messages
alter column user_id set not null;

Alter RLS policy to require authenticated user

  alter policy "users can read messages" on "public"."messages" rename to "authenticated users can read messages";
  alter policy "authenticated users can read messages" on "public"."messages" to authenticated;
